4 Ways Meal Planning Helps You Save & 4 Tips for Meal Prepping

We know that when most women hear the words "meal planning" and "meal prepping" they let out a long sigh and maybe even roll their eyes. Let's be honest, it's not the funnest thing in the world to do BUT the reality is that it can save us in several ways. Today, we’ll be chatting about the 4 ways meal planning can save you.
Meal Planning:
1. Saves time
2. Save $$$
3. Saves stress
4. Saves you one hundred questions, lol (you know longer have to answer, "What's for supper?" a half dozen times every evening) You can post your meal planning template on the frig and they can all take a look for themselves. 

We also discuss 4 tips for meal prepping:
1. Make sure you have all the ingredients you need for your upcoming meals and snacks
2. Wash and chop your fruits and veggies ahead of time
3. Cook in batch and then freeze some for a later date
4. Use glass containers and portion out your meals/snacks ahead of time

Just remember that when you first start anything new it can be challenging, but the rewards of meal planning and prepping can really save you time, money, stress, and your waistline! 

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Download your free Meal Planning Template here

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